Grounded Prompt Engineering for researchers
This year has been one of rapid learning for us, regarding the use of large language models, not to power educational chatbots to promote deeper learning (also of great interest), but as textual analysis tools for deductive coding — a task that until recently was really beyond machines. In this paper we document some progress […]
Previous Stories
- 2024: Educating for Collective Intelligence
- GenAI + Work-Integrated Learning?
- (Re)framing the GenAI system shock: polycrisis, metacrisis, unicrisis?
- Can TEL save the planet? (JTELSS 2024)
- Human-Centred Learning Analytics: 2019-2024 (BJET)
- A design space for AI writing tools (CHI’24)
- Team-Based Learning APAC keynote
- GenAI for Critical Analysis: Practical Tools, Cognitive Offloading and Human Agency
- Co-designing AI ethics in education
- Universitas21 & Learning@Scale keynotes
- “Belonging Analytics”?
- Understanding skilled use of open automated feedback tools as teacher feedback literacy
- ChatGPT: What have we learnt, what do we need to learn next?
- Framing Generative AI as EdTech
- HuCETA: Human-Centered Embodied Teamwork Analytics
- What could Learning Analytics learn from HCI theory?
- Embedding Learning Analytics in a University: Boardroom, Staff Room, Server Room, Classroom
- ICQE21 Participatory Quantitative Ethnography Symposium
- Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-Wide Framework
- ICQE20 keynote: QE Visualizations as tools for thinking
- Collaborative Learning Analytics (CSCL Handbook chapter)
- 2020: strengthening the Quantitative Ethnography community
- “The Future of Text” hits the streets
- Designing Automated Feedback for Impact (DAFFI 2020)
- AI in Education 2020 – Best Paper :-)
- Analytics for “classroom proxemics”
- The emergence of Reflective Writing Analytics
- Tackling cognitive bias with CHI tools
- LA-DECK: A Card-Based Learning Analytics Co-Design Tool
- CHI2020: Layered Storytelling for Multimodal Learning Analytics
- Black Box Learning Analytics? Beyond Algorithmic Transparency
- Congratulations, Dr Antonette Shibani!
- The Multimodal Matrix as a Quantitative Ethnography Methodology
- Learning Analytics and AI: Politics, Pedagogy and Practices
- SoLAR webinar: Learning Analytics as Educational Knowledge Infrastructure
- Human-Centred Analytics/AI in Education
- Evaluating ML for Pharmacy Student Reflection
- CHI’19: Towards Collaboration Translucence
- Pharmacy reflective practice: aligning learning design and analytics
- Learning Analytics & AI go to School
- JLA CfP: Human-Centred Learning Analytics
- ICLS 2018 Keynote: Transitioning Education’s Knowledge Infrastructure
- Architecting Organisationally for Learning Analytics
- Embracing Imperfection in Learning Analytics
- Addressing educators’ concerns about Learning Analytics
- Congratulations Dr Bektik!
- AI and Education reflections
- Why do Learning Analytics research?
- Writing Analytics update
- BCII Visualizing Complexity
- CfP: Learning Analytics for C21 Competencies
- Writing analytics and the LAK15 “State of the Field” panel
- Learning Analytics: On Silver Bullets and White Rabbits
- Constructing Knowledge Art: new book
- OpenU Valedictory Lecture
- EdMedia2014 Keynote
- 1st MOOC Research Conference
- Learning Analytics – UTS talk
- Certifying the Hard Stuff (and the role of learning analytics)
- EAIR learning analytics keynote
- New book: Chapter 1 v0.1
- Discourse Analytics Workshop
- LAK13 paper: An Evaluation of Learning Analytics to Identify Exploratory Dialogue in Online Discussions
- OpenU at LAK13
- The emerging MOOC data/analytics ecosystem
- UNESCO Policy Brief: Learning Analytics
- Complexity Science, Learning Analytics & Collective Intelligence
- Our Learning Analytics are Our Pedagogy
- Creativity and Rationale book – reflections
- Collective Intelligence in Organizations
- Social Learning Analytics symposium
- Collective intelligence for complexity
- Introducing Dispositional Learning Analytics
- LAK12 Panel: EDM meets LA
- Developing Innovative Tech
- EDUCAUSE Learning Analytics talk
- Open Learning Analytics
- Resilience Thinking, Social Learning and Open Innovation Platforms
- Contested Collective Intelligence: new paper
- Evidence Hubs: vertical apps for collective intelligence
- Learning analytics for C21 habits of mind
- Making Representations Matter: Al Selvin PhD
- Learning Analytics: Ascilite 2011 Keynote
- Social Learning Analytics
- Contested Collective Intelligence: Resilience, Complexity & Sensemaking
- Digital scholarship: towards ontological shift
- Managing complexity in Cohere
- Scientific Discourse on the Semantic Web: A Survey
- Collaboration with Ágnes Sándor, Xerox
- Knowledge Cartography as eBook
- Visual Analytics 2010 summer school
- COMMA 2010: Software Agents in Support of Human Argument Mapping
- Baby steps into complexity science
- On Social Learning, Sensemaking Capacity, and Collective Intelligence
- Participatory, multimedia project memory
- Just out: “Creativity and Rationale in Software Design”
- New: Argument & Computation journal
- SocialLearn project update
- Compendium for mapping group dynamics
- Issue mapping for emergency response
- Contested Collective Intelligence
- W3C Scientific Discourse task group
- e-Democracy debate: 12 years on…
- Dancing on the Grid: new article
- Book: Cartografia Cognitiva published
- Evidence-Based Dialogue Mapping for Teenagers
- Digital Scholarly Discourse
- “Knowledge Cartography” hits the streets
- Formalizing Philosophical Narratives for e-Learning
- Compendium “makes sense” in Florence (CHI 2008)
- Cohere: Towards Web 2.0 Argumentation
- From Aristotle to Gabriel: Narratology for Story Technologists
- TAL Special Issue: Discours et document : traitements automatiques
- ICCS 2007 Hypermedia Discourse Keynote
- Argument & dialogue mapping to subvert hate speech
- Compendium for Collective Sensemaking in Emergency Response
- Socio-semantic tagging in ClaimSpotter (WWW2007)
- Hypermedia Discourse on the road…
- Compendium memory for Participatory Urban Planning
- Feeding into "New Horizons in Internet Site Development"
- Hypermedia Discourse connects with UNESCO DKN
- Helping explain the 6 Requirements Engineering questions
- Hypermedia Discourse @Nantes
- Memetic @ COOP 2006
- Hypermedia Discourse
- KMi at Utah Open Content Conference