LA-DECK: A Card-Based Learning Analytics Co-Design Tool

Here’s a new tool (free download) and accompanying article from the doctoral research of Carlos Prieto Alvarez, in which we document the design rationale and empirical evaluation of a deck of cards specifically tuned to Learning Analytics. In LA-DECK sessions, participants ‘play a card’ and link it to others, to mark particular kinds of contributions to the conversation. This is a common approach to structuring the conversation, and in the process develops a tangible representation of the group’s work.

Carlos will be presenting this in a few weeks at LAK2020:

Prieto-Alvarez, C.G., Martinez-Maldonado, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. 2020. LA-DECK: A Card-Based Learning Analytics Co-Design Tool. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, March 2020 (LAK’20), ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10 pages. DOI: [Open Access ePrint]

ABSTRACT: Human-centred software design gives all stakeholders an active voice in the design of the systems that they are expected to use. However, this is not yet commonplace in Learning Analytics (LA). Co-design techniques from other domains therefore have much to offer to LA, in principle, but there are few detailed accounts of exactly how such sessions unfold. This paper presents the rationale driving a card-based co-design tool specifically tuned for LA, called LA-DECK. In the context of a pilot study with students, educators, LA researchers and developers, we provide qualitative and quantitative accounts of how participants used the cards. Using three different forms of analysis (transcript-centric design vignettes, card-graphs and time-on-topic), we characterise in what ways the sessions were “participatory” in nature, and argue that the cards succeeded in playing very similar roles to those documented in the literature on successful card-based design tools.

This is one case study from the broader work of Carlos’ PhD, investigating the challenges of introducing co-design methods that give a voice to non-technical stakeholders in Learning Analytics. Here’s a recent seminar in which he reviews the whole PhD. If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing (well worth it!), then jump to 19:21 for LA-DECK…

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