CIC is 10!
10 years ago today, the UTS Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) launched. In fact on that day, I was in the air en route London to Sydney, not only to start the new job, but on a pressing mission to find a home and school for the rest of the family, who would land in 6 […]
Previous Stories
- Can TEL save the planet? (JTELSS 2024)
- Team-Based Learning APAC keynote
- ChatGPT: What have we learnt, what do we need to learn next?
- ICQE21 Participatory Quantitative Ethnography Symposium
- 2020: strengthening the Quantitative Ethnography community
- Evidence: Fair & Robust AI-based Assessment
- Empowering Learners for the Age of AI: free online conf
- Why “Learning Informatics”?
- Designing Automated Feedback for Impact (DAFFI 2020)
- The emergence of Reflective Writing Analytics
- Tackling cognitive bias with CHI tools
- Running an online Doctoral Consortium
- SoLAR webinar: Learning Analytics as Educational Knowledge Infrastructure
- Learning Analytics & AI go to School
- ALASI2018: Co-designing learning analytics with LA-DECK
- ALASI2018: Innovating for Impact Workshop
- ALASI2018: Educational Data Scientists: A (Less) Scarce Breed?
- ICLS 2018 Keynote: Transitioning Education’s Knowledge Infrastructure
- Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2017
- Writing Analytics: LAK & EDM workshops
- LAK16 Panel: Institutional Learning Analytics Centres
- Reinvent University for the Whole Person
- LASI2014 is coming to Harvard & Globally
- What if we used learning analytics to power NICs?
- How do Learning Analytics “act” in Education?
- Towards open source learning analytics
- Complexity & Pedagogy: Shanghai workshop
- Learning Analytics: The New Burden of Knowledge
- Prototyping a systemic school learning methodology
- Dispositional Learning Analytics @LASI-Stanford
- Doug Engelbart, computing visionary, RIP
- Dispositional Learning Analytics wkshp
- Learning Analytics – a field defining week kicks off
- July 1-5: LASI is global online
- Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2013
- SoLAR Flare UK analytics meetup
- Learning Analytics training workshop v1
- Learning Analytics @OpenU symposium
- ALT-C2012 Learning Analytics Symposium
- LAK12 reflections
- Developing Innovative Tech
- Collective Intelligence as Community Discourse and Action
- Jon Shum 1930-2011
- Steve Jobs 1955-2011
- 3 weeks to submit papers to LAK2012
- Future of Research Communication
- launches!
- Suchman on reconfiguring humans and machines
- Contested Collective Intelligence: Resilience, Complexity & Sensemaking
- OpenEd Evidence Hub alpha release
- Research as Hypermedia Narrative
- Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics
- Theory-based Learning Analytics
- Digital support for authentic enquiry
- Working with “Learning Futures” on authentic enquiry
- Serious Games: Jack Park wins “Breakthroughs to Cures”
- Badge Lab @Mozilla Drumbeat
- e-Dance at British Library exhibition
- Visual Analytics 2010 summer school
- LAK11: 1st Int. Conf. on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
- Making Representations Matter workshop
- Making Conversations Visible
- On Social Learning, Sensemaking Capacity, and Collective Intelligence
- SocialLearn preview and demo
- AIF 2.0: human-centred thoughts
- Cohere at Mozilla Jetpack Design Camp, SXSWi
- Online Deliberation 2010
- Visualizing Discourse & Reasoning @VAST2010
- Knowledge mappers empower e-democracy?
- Future of the Web for Collaborative Science
- Stephen Toulmin RIP
- ESSENCE workshop podcasts
- OLnet: Researching the open world
- Social Computing 2008
- Scientific Researchers and Web 2.0: Social Not Working?
- Knowledge Federation 2008
- SocialLearn end-user workshops
- Global Sensemaking network launches
- e-Dance update
- Knowledge Mapping for Sensemaking: webinar, 2008.04.17
- Argumentation Theory & Systems: towards a roadmap
- Christmas on Mars?
- Reflections on the OER Review & OPLI challenge
- John Seely Brown keynote @OpenLearn 2007
- 1 month to go for Pragmatic Web 2007…
- 2nd Int. Conf. on the Pragmatic Web
- It was MMAD: Modelling Meetings, Argumentation & Discourse
- Compendium workshop, Washington DC