Embedding Learning Analytics in a University: Boardroom, Staff Room, Server Room, Classroom

Here’s the open access preprint of a chapter to appear in a forthcoming book edited by Olga Viberg and Åke Grönlund. I was grateful to be invited to contribute to this, and it was an enjoyable reflective journey figuring out how to tell the story. I hope you enjoy exploring the four rooms!

Buckingham Shum, S. (2022). Embedding Learning Analytics in a University: Boardroom, Staff Room, Server Room, Classroom. In Viberg, O. and  Grönlund, Å. (Eds.), Practicable Learning Analytics, SpringerNature.

Abstract: In this chapter, I describe and reflect on the last 8 years at an Australian public university, inventing, piloting and evaluating Learning Analytics tools, specifically focused on data-driven personalised feedback, leading in some cases to integration with the institution’s learning technology ecosystem, and accompanied by staff training and support. I will summarise this as conversations in the Boardroom, the Staff Room, the Server Room and the Classroom, reflecting the different levels of influence, partnership and adaptation required to introduce and sustain novel technologies in the complex system that constitutes a university, or indeed, any educational institution. This chapter is pragmatic, documenting aspects of our work that are typically not the focus in research papers, intending to make a practice contribution.

Keywords: Organisational Strategy, Innovation Diffusion, Personalised Feedback

Dec’22 update: I was invited by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities Centre for Education and Learning to share this work with them at their annual conference so here’s the replay [slides], together with the fab live drawing  by Mark van Huystee!

Live drawing by Mark van Huystee

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