BCII Visualizing Complexity

Resources from today’s session with students on the UTS Bachelor of Creative Intelligence & Innovation, who are on a 2-week intensive Creativity & Complexity summer school.

Readings and multimedia to go deeper…

Human-Centred Informatics (HCI) & Complexity

Making Thinking Visible in Complex TimesThis is a video replay of how the 1960s pioneering work of Doug Engelbart foresaw our current need to “augment human intellect” to tackle the “urgent complex problems” facing society, and how this traces through to mapping dialogue and debate.

Collective Intelligence for OER Sustainability: This article considers the implications for Collective Intelligence tools, of some of complex systems concepts introduced in the summer school.

Knowledge Cartography Software Tools and Mapping Techniques [Lib][Pub]
Constructing Knowledge Art: An Experiential Perspective on Crafting Participatory Representations [Lib][Pub][Fbk].

How work and organisations are changing how knowledge flows

Hagel III, J., Seely Brown, J. & Davison, L. (2010). The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion. Basic Books

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