John Seely Brown keynote @OpenLearn 2007
JSB just completed his keynote, setting a great tone for the OpenLearn 2007 conference. I’ve heard him present some of this several times before now, but he is a hugely engaging speaker, and the ideas continue to spark the imagination as his first slide proposed to do. Here’s the Dialogue Map notes I did of his talk.
JSB’s work has been in inspiration for me since I was a student linked to Xerox EuroPARC, starting to work on design rationale and argument mapping. There’s an exciting web of connections between the Hypermedia Discourse research programme, and his talk (and the Open Participatory Learning Ecosystem challenge to the OER movement). I mapped these separately, something I’ll be reviewing, but these are the main headings I see:
DIGITAL LITERACY: There is a new literacy emerging in what we see born digital kids. Tinkering is back in. But as Marc Eisenstadt commented to me after, we also want to foster virtuosity. I totally agree, and I’m sure that JSB would also (this is after all why we want to foster legitimate peripheral participation — to move newcomers to the centre of a community of practice). We have been trying to understand fluency and virtuoso performance with knowledge mapping tools such as Compendium. Al Selvin, KMi PhD student, has been developing the Knowledge Art framework to articulate the nature of such digital literacy, based in part on Sch
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