2024: Educating for Collective Intelligence
Last Friday we wrapped up the First International Symposium on Educating for Collective Intelligence, which I had been working with my co-chairs towards for half the year. Follow the links to learn more about the rationale, the amazing cast of speakers who showed up to share their thoughts, with their papers and talks. But here are the […]
Previous Stories
- GenAI + Work-Integrated Learning?
- CIC is 10!
- Can TEL save the planet? (JTELSS 2024)
- Team-Based Learning APAC keynote
- ChatGPT: What have we learnt, what do we need to learn next?
- ICQE21 Participatory Quantitative Ethnography Symposium
- 2020: strengthening the Quantitative Ethnography community
- Evidence: Fair & Robust AI-based Assessment
- Empowering Learners for the Age of AI: free online conf
- Why “Learning Informatics”?
- Designing Automated Feedback for Impact (DAFFI 2020)
- The emergence of Reflective Writing Analytics
- Tackling cognitive bias with CHI tools
- Running an online Doctoral Consortium
- SoLAR webinar: Learning Analytics as Educational Knowledge Infrastructure
- Learning Analytics & AI go to School
- ALASI2018: Co-designing learning analytics with LA-DECK
- ALASI2018: Innovating for Impact Workshop
- ALASI2018: Educational Data Scientists: A (Less) Scarce Breed?
- ICLS 2018 Keynote: Transitioning Education’s Knowledge Infrastructure
- Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2017
- Writing Analytics: LAK & EDM workshops
- LAK16 Panel: Institutional Learning Analytics Centres
- Reinvent University for the Whole Person
- LASI2014 is coming to Harvard & Globally
- What if we used learning analytics to power NICs?
- How do Learning Analytics “act” in Education?
- Towards open source learning analytics
- Complexity & Pedagogy: Shanghai workshop
- Learning Analytics: The New Burden of Knowledge
- Prototyping a systemic school learning methodology
- Dispositional Learning Analytics @LASI-Stanford
- Doug Engelbart, computing visionary, RIP
- Dispositional Learning Analytics wkshp
- Learning Analytics – a field defining week kicks off
- July 1-5: LASI is global online
- Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2013
- SoLAR Flare UK analytics meetup
- Learning Analytics training workshop v1
- Learning Analytics @OpenU symposium
- ALT-C2012 Learning Analytics Symposium
- LAK12 reflections
- Developing Innovative Tech
- Collective Intelligence as Community Discourse and Action
- Jon Shum 1930-2011
- Steve Jobs 1955-2011
- 3 weeks to submit papers to LAK2012
- Future of Research Communication
- launches!
- Suchman on reconfiguring humans and machines
- Contested Collective Intelligence: Resilience, Complexity & Sensemaking
- OpenEd Evidence Hub alpha release
- Research as Hypermedia Narrative
- Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics
- Theory-based Learning Analytics
- Digital support for authentic enquiry
- Working with “Learning Futures” on authentic enquiry
- Serious Games: Jack Park wins “Breakthroughs to Cures”
- Badge Lab @Mozilla Drumbeat
- e-Dance at British Library exhibition
- Visual Analytics 2010 summer school
- LAK11: 1st Int. Conf. on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
- Making Representations Matter workshop
- Making Conversations Visible
- On Social Learning, Sensemaking Capacity, and Collective Intelligence
- SocialLearn preview and demo
- AIF 2.0: human-centred thoughts
- Cohere at Mozilla Jetpack Design Camp, SXSWi
- Online Deliberation 2010
- Visualizing Discourse & Reasoning @VAST2010
- Knowledge mappers empower e-democracy?
- Future of the Web for Collaborative Science
- Stephen Toulmin RIP
- ESSENCE workshop podcasts
- OLnet: Researching the open world
- Social Computing 2008
- Scientific Researchers and Web 2.0: Social Not Working?
- Knowledge Federation 2008
- SocialLearn end-user workshops
- Global Sensemaking network launches
- e-Dance update
- Knowledge Mapping for Sensemaking: webinar, 2008.04.17
- Argumentation Theory & Systems: towards a roadmap
- Christmas on Mars?
- Reflections on the OER Review & OPLI challenge
- John Seely Brown keynote @OpenLearn 2007
- 1 month to go for Pragmatic Web 2007…
- 2nd Int. Conf. on the Pragmatic Web
- It was MMAD: Modelling Meetings, Argumentation & Discourse
- Compendium workshop, Washington DC