2024: Educating for Collective Intelligence
Last Friday we wrapped up the First International Symposium on Educating for Collective Intelligence, which I had been working with my co-chairs towards for half the year. Follow the links to learn more about the rationale, the amazing cast of speakers who showed up to share their thoughts, with their papers and talks. But here are the […]
Previous Stories
- 2 years since ChatGPT launched: edu reflections + future glimpses
- Universitas21 & Learning@Scale keynotes
- “Belonging Analytics”?
- Framing Generative AI as EdTech
- ICQE20 keynote: QE Visualizations as tools for thinking
- 2020: strengthening the Quantitative Ethnography community
- Evidence: Fair & Robust AI-based Assessment
- Why “Learning Informatics”?
- Designing Automated Feedback for Impact (DAFFI 2020)
- LA-DECK: A Card-Based Learning Analytics Co-Design Tool
- PhD Scholarship: Writing Analytics for Deep Reflection
- Black Box Learning Analytics? Beyond Algorithmic Transparency
- SoLAR webinar: Learning Analytics as Educational Knowledge Infrastructure
- Learning Analytics & AI go to School
- Algorithmic Accountability for Learning Analytics
- Reflecting on reflective writing analytics
- OpenU Valedictory Lecture
- Reinvent University for the Whole Person
- What if we used learning analytics to power NICs?
- Moving: children taking charge of their learning
- Designing Systemic Analytics at The Open University
- Prototyping a systemic school learning methodology
- New book: Chapter 1 v0.1
- Doug Engelbart, computing visionary, RIP
- LAK13 paper: An Evaluation of Learning Analytics to Identify Exploratory Dialogue in Online Discussions
- From trees to networks
- Rolling out Evidence Hubs
- Collective intelligence for complexity
- Introducing Dispositional Learning Analytics
- Developing Innovative Tech
- Making Representations Matter: Al Selvin PhD
- Learning Analytics: Ascilite 2011 Keynote
- Suchman on reconfiguring humans and machines
- Research as Hypermedia Narrative
- Mapping PhD research in Compendium
- Collaboration with Ágnes Sándor, Xerox
- Changing Education Paradigms: Ken Robinson
- e-Dance at British Library exhibition
- Visual Analytics 2010 summer school
- SocialLearn preview and demo
- Intrinsic motivation in creative, conceptual work
- How to organise a children’s party – Dave Snowden
- KMi supports Global Climate Change Situation Room
- Annotating Election Debate replay with Compendium Dialogue Map
- Real-time mapping Election TV Debates
- OER Collective Intelligence Widgets: storyboard
- SocialLearn project update
- Issue mapping for emergency response
- Cohere movie for Mozilla Jetpack
- Extending Compendium for choreographic video annotation
- SocialLearn update from Martin Bean
- Calculating Mind, Contemplative Mind