Rolling out Evidence Hubs

As part of our Collective Intelligence R&D, for the last few months we’ve been developing the concept of an Evidence Hub, learning user experience lessons from the first example we developed for the Hewlett Foundation on the Open Learning Network project, generifying the shell into one that can be customized for the different communities who have been excited by the concept, and moving to an open source release shortly.

Here’s the latest intro movie, with more info and demos at

If you want to read more about the rationale, check out:

De Liddo, Anna; Buckingham Shum, Simon; McAndrew, Patrick and Farrow, Robert (2012). The open education evidence hub: a collective intelligence tool for evidence based policy. Presented at Cambridge 2012: Joint OER12 and OpenCourseWare Consortium Global 2012 Conference, 16 – 18 April 2012, Cambridge, UK. Eprint:

One Response to “Rolling out Evidence Hubs”

  1. […] Simons Blog gibt es eine kurzes Video-Einführung. Eine detaillierte Darstellung gibt ein Aufsatz, der ein einem Konferenzband erscheinen wird: The […]