Assessing learning dispositions/academic mindsets

A few years ago Ruth Deakin Crick and I spent a couple of days with the remarkable Larry Rosenstock at High Tech High, and were blown away by the creativity and passion that he and his team bring to authentic learning. At that point they were just beginning to conceive the idea of a Graduate School of Education (er… run by a high school?!). Yes indeed.

Screen Shot 2014-02-28 at 16.56.56Now they’re flying, running the Deeper Learning conference in a few weeks, and right now, the Deeper Learning MOOC [DLMOOC] is doing a great job of bringing practitioners and researchers together, and that’s just from the perspective of someone on the edge who has only managed to replay the late night (in the UK) Hangouts and post a couple of stories. Huge thanks and congratulations to Larry, Rob Riordan and everyone else at High Tech High Grad School of Education, plus of course the other supporting organisations and funders who are making this happen.

Week 7 coming up is focused on Assessing for Deeper Learning, and I’m very much looking forward to hearing from the panellists. So in this post on Learning Emergence, I share some thoughts about how we go about assessing what some of us call lifelong learning dispositions, while others refer to academic mindsets, and welcome comments from DLMOOCers and others.

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