OpenLearn LabSpace hits the streets!

Today sees the official launch of the Open University's ambitious OpenLearn, and KMi will be there in force at the kick-off to showcase the experimental LabSpace featuring core KMi technologies.
OpenLearn was formally announced this week, and sees the Open University take centre stage as one of the world's biggest players in Open Educational Resources – launching 900 study-hours worth of learning materials freely available under the Creative Commons license immediately, and many thousands of hours of material in hundreds of different content areas to follow over the next 2 years.

The launch takes place in Westminster, with key addresses from Bill Rammel MP, the Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education; Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law at the Stanford Law School, Marshall Smith, Director of the Education Program for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which sponsors OpenLearn, and Brenda Gourley, Open University Vice Chancellor.

KMi will be represented by Simon Buckingham Shum, Peter Scott, Marc Eisenstadt, Alex Little, Michelle Bachler, Elia Tomadiki, Ale Okada, all in place to enthuse about and demonstrate the three technologies that form a key component of the LabSpace environment: Compendium, FlashMeeting, and MSG.

Related Links:
The LabSpace
Open Sensemaking Communities [the KMi Research Perspective]

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