Published today: 'Educational Authoring Tools and the Educational Object Economy'
A special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) is published today focusing on Educational Authoring Tools & The Educational Object Economy This issue reports the work of the East/West Group, a research consortium of US publishers, universities and educational software companies. It addresses concerns ranging from multimedia authoring tools for educational applications, to communities sharing interoperable components and tutorial resources, to new challenges and business opportunities for publishers. The contents of the issue, listed below, are available as HTML and Adobe Acrobat, with several including interactive demonstrations and videos. Over the last year, the articles have been debated on the web by the authors, reviewers and wider community (invited to participate during the open peer review phase). The most interesting discussion threads are preserved, linked into the final articles, and remain open for further comment. We hope you find this special issue a valuable resource, and welcome your contributions to the ongoing discussions of this work. Simon Buckingham Shum (Open University) Tamara Sumner (Open University) Jim Spohrer (EOE Foundation) Special Issue Editors Background JIME is an award winning, peer reviewed journal and an action research project at the Open University's Knowledge Media Institute, investigating social and technical dimensions to new forms of scholarly publishing. JIME places particular emphasis on using networked media to deliver interactive software demonstrations, and to facilitate constructive discourse between authors, reviewers and peers. To receive announcements of PrePrints as they become available for open peer review, new Articles and Reviews, and other journal-related news, subscribe to JIME News via the website. CONTENTS JIME Special Issue (October, 1998) Educational Authoring Tools and the Educational Object Economy Educational Authoring Tools and the Educational Object Economy: Introduction to this Special Issue from the East/West Group Jim Spohrer (EOE Foundation) Tamara Sumner (Open University) Simon Buckingham Shum (Open University) Educational Publishing and the World Wide Web Ann Marion and Elizabeth H. Hacking (Houghton Mifflin Company) Publishing New Media in Higher Education: Overcoming the Adoption Hurdle Leslie G. Bondaryk (PWS Publishing Company, Boston) Learning Technologies in Support of Self-Directed Learning Gerhard Fischer and Eric Scharff (University of Colorado) A Model for Distributed Curriculum on the World Wide Web Tom Murray (University of Massachusetts) Scaleable Integration of Educational Software: Exploring The Promise of Component Architectures Jeremy Roschelle (SRI) Jim Kaput (University of Massachusetts) Walter Stroup (Dartmouth University of Texas) Ted. M. Kahn (DesignWorlds for Learning) Learn to Communicate and Communicate to Learn Alexander Repenning, Andri Ioannidou, James Ambach (University of Colorado) Shop Class for the Next Millennium: Education through Computer-Enriched Handicrafts Mike Eisenberg and Ann Nishioka Eisenberg (University of Colorado) Authoring Content in the PAT Algebra Tutor Steven Ritter, John Anderson and Olga Medvedeva (Carnegie Mellon University) Michael Cytrynowicz (Nortel)