British Council 'Alliance' grant for D3E Project
The British Council has awarded a follow-on grant to KMi's D3E Project and the Universite de Provence. The Council's Alliance Programme was set up to foster Franco-British research, and this grant will enable KMi to continue its 1998 collaboration with Nathalie Bonnardel's research team who specialise in cognitive ergonomics. They will be evaluating the usability of the D3E Publishing Toolkit, which converts a conventional HTML document into an easily navigated, interactive discussion document which can be critiqued.
The project entitled Towards Designing Scholarly Documents for the World Wide Web is part of ongoing research at KMi into new forms and processes for scholarly peer review and publishing, as exemplified by the electronic Journal of Interactive Media in Education (
Project leader: Dr Simon Buckingham Shum (
Digital Document Discourse Environment (D3E) (
Alliance: The British Council Franco-British joint research programme (