Learning Analytics for C21 Competencies
A mega-triple special issue of the Journal of Learning Analytics has just hit the streets, with three thematic sections: LEARNING ANALYTICS FOR 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES MULTIMODAL LEARNING ANALYTICS DATASET DESCRIPTIONS FOR LEARNING ANALYTICS Very satisfying to have worked with co-editor Ruth Deakin Crick, and all the authors on the first section. Enjoy! This is accompanied by […]
Constructing Knowledge Art: new book
A new book has just come out as part of the Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics series (originally Morgan Claypool, now SpringerNature), edited by Jack Carroll. Constructing Knowledge Art: An Experiential Perspective on Crafting Participatory Representations As many of you will know, Al Selvin is a close colleague and friend in New York, whose PhD research with me […]
OpenU Valedictory Lecture
On 31st July I fly to join the University of Technology Sydney, directing the new Connected Intelligence Centre. More on that later! Meantime, here’s the replay of yesterday’s reflections on nearly 19 years in KMi and the OU (my talk starts 10mins in). My deepest thanks to all my colleagues for the memorable send-off! Slides […]
What if we used learning analytics to power NICs?
I’ve just posted some reflections on time spent last week with Tony Bryk (President, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching), hosted by Ruth Deakin Crick at University of Bristol. What follows after a brief introduction to the concept of Networked Improvement Communities (NICs), are my thoughts on the intersection of NICs with Learning Analytics. […]
e-Literate TV on Learning Analytics
Michael Feldstein and Phil Hill have created e-Literate TV and are doing a fine job in bringing learning technology issues alive in an accessible way. Here’s an intro to Learning Analytics, including an interview with Al Essa (McGraw Hill) and Jason Jordan (Pearson), and an interview I did at the MOOC Research Initiative conference… The […]
Assessing learning dispositions/academic mindsets
A few years ago Ruth Deakin Crick and I spent a couple of days with the remarkable Larry Rosenstock at High Tech High, and were blown away by the creativity and passion that he and his team bring to authentic learning. At that point they were just beginning to conceive the idea of a Graduate […]
Moving: children taking charge of their learning
For me, there’s nothing quite so moving in the world of learning than witnessing teachers give young people the responsibility and safe freedom to show what they are capable of, and then seeing those children talking about how that felt, and showing what they did. Tragically our national curricula often crush this possibility out of […]