GenAI + Work-Integrated Learning?

The CRADLE International Symposium ‘How could generative AI change work-integrated learning?’ sought to unpack current and timely research questions surrounding artificial intelligence and its role and impact with higher education and work. AI is starting to fundamentally change the nature of both work and learning. What about learning through work? Many questions present themselves in a climate of simultaneous opportunities, dilemmas, and hazards:

  • How will generative AI shift relationships between students, university educators and workplaces?
  • How can approaches to workplace learning be reconsidered in light of generative AI?
  • What might be the roles of generative AI in workplace assessment and feedback practices?

Watch the public panel to see some of key ideas to emerge from two days of rich conversation.

My own contribution was to pitch the design provocation of “the WIL-bot”, which was then refined in the fire of expertise they had gathered! “WIL-bot” — a design provocation is the co-authored summary of where we got to.

Hoping this sparks further design thinking and prototyping… 

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