LAK21: Modelling Spatial Behaviours in Clinical Team Simulations using ENA

Coming up next week at LAK21, the latest work from the PhD of Gloria Fernandez-Nieto…

Gloria Milena Fernandez-Nieto, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Kirsty Kitto, and Simon Buckingham Shum. 2021. Modelling Spatial Behaviours in Clinical Team Simulations using Epistemic Network Analysis: Methodology and Teacher Evaluation. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK21), April 12–16, 2021, Irvine, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages. [open access eprint]

Abstract: In nursing education through team simulations, students must learn to position themselves correctly in coordination with colleagues. However, with multiple student teams in action, it is difficult for teachers to give detailed, timely feedback on these spatial behaviours to each team. Indoor-positioning technologies can now capture student spatial behaviours, but relatively little work has focused on giving meaning to student activity traces, transforming low-level x/y coordinates into language that makes sense to teachers. Even less research has investigated if teachers can make sense of that feedback. This paper therefore makes two contributions. (1) Methodologically, we document the use of Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) as an approach to model and visualise students’ movements. To our knowledge, this is the first application of ENA to analyse human movement. (2) We evaluated teachers’ responses to ENA diagrams through qualitative analysis of video-recorded sessions. Teachers constructed consistent narratives about ENA diagrams’ meaning, and valued the new insights ENA offered. However, ENA’s abstract visualisation of spatial behaviours was not intuitive, and caused some confusions. We propose, therefore, that the power of ENA modelling can be combined with other spatial representations such as a classroom map, by overlaying annotations to create a more intuitive user experience.

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