Knowledge Art learning resources

Following the tragically premature death of Al Selvin in October 2015, I continued to think about how his inspirational research can live on in more than research writings. Friends and colleagues were discussing ways in which we could communicate the ideas behind Knowledge Art to reflective practitioners, in contrast to the more academic audiences we’d been engaging with.

One outcome of this came to fruition as learning resources for the University of Technology Sydney’s Master of Data Science & Innovation, specifically, for the subject I coordinated at the time, Data Visualisation & Narrative.

I prepared a reading based on the book (Publisher/Facebook) tuned to our data science students, with an assessment based on a role-play scenario that gave students the chance to practise their ‘knowledge artistry’. (This is linked to real data challenges that our students engage in with TransportNSW and the NSW Data Analytics Centre, here in Sydney.)

These are Creative Commons-licensed open access resources — do let me know if you find them useful for your own thinking, especially teaching/coaching.

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Here’s a snapshot from that first session…

…and updated video and slides from the latest session this evening 31 March 2021 [PDF]

One Response to “Knowledge Art learning resources”

  1. For more on Al Selvin’s work, browse