Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2017
This year’s field-building Learning Analytics Summer Institute (twitter #lasi17), organised by SoLAR, was once again hosted at U. Michigan with satellite LASI-Locals running internationally (e.g. for reference, here’s the 2016 program). I joined, with Andrew Gibson, where we made contributions on several fronts…
- Opening keynote address Learning Analytics vs. Cognitive Automation (replay the talk below • PDF slides • replay the other keynotes).
- Andrew led training in Writing Analytics, explaining our approach to the design of natural language processing to enable instant feedback to students on their writing (workshop 4)
- I ran a briefing on how the learning analytics community can think about the ways in which data and algorithms take on ethical dimensions (tutorial 8 slides below • PDF)
Video opens with a welcome to LASI from U. Michigan professor and SoLAR President Stephanie Teasley, followed by some incisive introductory comments on the state of Learning Analytics from UM Vice-Provost Academic Innovation James Hilton.
Learning Analytics vs. Cognitive Automation: Rationale, Examples and Organisational Strategy (starts 19min 50sec)