LASI2014 is coming to Harvard & Globally

Building on the success of the 2013 Learning Analytics Summer Institutes at Stanford University and LASI-Locals all over the world, the 2014 LASIs arrive at the end of this month!

LASI-Harvard 2014’s goals of building the LA field and developing the skills of researchers, educators and students will be achieved through a combination of lectures, hands-on tutorials, group work and ample opportunity for informal interactions. Activities include presentations from leading researchers, innovative start-ups, and experts from related fields, coupled with panels and workshops… all designed to define the needs of the LA field, identify research gaps and needs, forge the community and establish a research agenda.

And as before, LASI-Locals will take place during, or just after, the Harvard gathering, reporting in live to Boston to kick off days 2 and 3.



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