Opening: Dispositional Learning Analytics

In joint work with Ruth Deakin Crick and Shaofu Huang at University of Bristol, Rebecca Ferguson and I are developing an approach to modelling learning dispositions, based on the educational research underpinning the ELLI instrument for Learning Power:

Buckingham Shum, S. and Deakin Crick, R., Learning Dispositions and Transferable Competencies: Pedagogy, Modelling and Learning Analytics. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Vancouver, 29 Apr-2 May, 2012). ACM: New York. pp.92-101. DOI: Eprint:

See also the blog post and the LAK12 replay

The most recent work on this, which picks up the challenge identified at the end of the above paper, is the question of whether it is possible to generate an ELLI profile automatically from learners’ incidental data traces. Shaofu Huang summarised the concept and work-in-progress on this at a recent SocialLearn symposium.

We now have modest funds available to appoint either a visiting researcher or consultant to work with us on a short, focused project, to design and run the database queries on the SocialLearn platform, which will enable us to begin testing the modelling that we have been doing.

Once you’ve digested the above materials, please contact me if you have the curiosity – and SQL expertise – to work collaboratively with us to take this research forward.

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