Collective Intelligence as Community Discourse and Action

Continuing the international
Collective Intelligence in Organizations
workshop series…

ACM CSCW 2012, 11th February 2012 – Seattle, Washington

Collective Intelligence (CI) research investigates the design of infrastructures to enable collectives to think and act intelligently, and intriguingly, more intelligently than individuals. Technologies such as idea management or argumentation tools, blogs, wikis, chats, forums, Q&A sites, and social networks provide unprecedented opportunities for entire communities or organizations to express a discourse and act at a massive scale. 

This workshop seeks to understand the forms of CI that can be constructed through discourse and action, which enables advanced forms of collective sensemaking such as idea generation and prioritization, argumentation, and deliberation.

  • When does effective discourse help a collective outperform individuals?
  • What functions should the next generation of social platforms support?
  • How can we allow communities to efficiently manage many diverse ideas, argue, and deliberate?
  • What patterns in discourse and action can be modeled computationally?

We welcome contributions on these and other relevant questions through Research Papers, Position Papers, and Demos.


Anna De Liddo
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University UK

Simon Buckingham Shum
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University UK

Gregorio Convertino
Xerox Research Centre Europe & PARC

Ágnes Sándor
Xerox Research Centre Europe

Mark Klein
Center for Collective Intelligence, MIT

Learn more

Important Dates

  • Submissions:  Jan 14, 2012
  • Notification of acceptance: Jan 27, 2012

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