Collaboration with Ágnes Sándor, Xerox

One of the joys of being a researcher is having the chance to work intensively on a common vision, with someone delightful who brings a sharp mind and complementary approach. In that vein, today sees the end of a hugely productive 6 week visiting OLnet Project fellowship with Ágnes Sándor, from Xerox. We are both concerned with the development of an infrastructure capable of processing the knowledge level claims that scholars make in their writing. Her work brings a natural language processing dimension to the annotation of significant rhetorical moves in texts, complementing our approach of providing socio-semantic tools for human annotation.

By way of context, when we started our work in KMi on this in 1998, which became the EPSRC Scholarly Ontologies Project (2001-04), there was no computational parsing that we knew of capable of detecting scholarly rhetorical moves. A decade on, there is a growing network of researchers focused on this challegne (see blog post on Hyp-ER), the machines have got smarter, and here we are integrating machine and human annotation within our Cohere sensemaking support system.

As we concluded in yesterday’s seminar, there remain many challenges on the technical, user experience, and theoretical fronts, but we’re passing a very satisfying milestone 🙂 My thanks to Ágnes, and of course KMi colleagues Anna and Michelle, and the (human!) OLnet researchers working on the project reports, for getting us this far. Particular thanks to Giota and Elpida for their extra time to be video interviewed as they compared their analyses with XIP’s. They can rest assured that there’s no doubt that we still need people to make sense of the world!… but when a machine takes only milliseconds to highlight interesting passages in a large report, we’re opening up exciting new vistas in sensemaking…

Integrating Human & Machine Document Annotation for Sensemaking

This event took place on 11th November 2010 at 2:30pm
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK

Simon Buckingham Shum, Ágnes Sándor
Anna De Liddo & Michelle Bachler

We report on progress made during the collaboration between KMi’s Hypermedia Discourse Group and Ágnes Sándor (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Parsing & Semantics Group). This is the outcome of her 6 week OLnet Project Expert Fellowship at the OU, funded by the Hewlett Foundation, to develop Collective Intelligence for the Open Educational Resources (OER) community.

Our research investigates the overlaps and complementarities between the outputs from human analysts making sense of 120 OER project reports, using KMi’s Cohere semantic annotation and knowledge mapping tool, and machine annotation of the corpus by the Xerox Incremental Parser (XIP). XIP’s output is imported into Cohere to explore ways to visualize the combined human+machine output, and we present preliminary results from interviews with some of the analysts to elicit their views on XIP’s annotations.

8 Responses to “Collaboration with Ágnes Sándor, Xerox”

  1. Thanks, Simon. This looks interesting, as does Sándor’s work (which you’ve recommended to me before). Are there any slides from this talk yet?

  2. Hi Jodie,

    Yes, they’re linked to the webcast replay page, inc. follow-up refs to Ágnes’ papers at the end.


  3. […] productive interactions with members of the emerging Hyp-ER community, including most recently, Ágnes Sándor’s visiting fellowship, this survey article on modelling scientific discourse has been posted for open peer review by the […]

  4. […] we have been stress-testing the system for scaleability and putting it through its paces in a multi-analyst + machine annotation exercise: “The Cohere website has new […]

  5. […] our very fruitful collaboration with Ágnes Sándor (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble), comes this joint journal paper, setting out the […]

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  7. […] at the UK Open University with Anna De Liddo in our work on Contested Collective Intelligence (webinar/paper), and now Duygu Bektik’s PhD (latest news). These have focused to date on the relatively […]

  8. […] at the UK Open University with Anna De Liddo in our work on Contested Collective Intelligence (webinar/paper), and now Duygu Bektik’s PhD (latest news). These have focused to date on the relatively […]