Research Fellow: Collective Intelligence Infrastructure

The Open University UK

Research Fellow: Collective Intelligence Infrastructure

The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) invites applications for a 3 year Research Fellowship on Collective Intelligence Infrastructure. This position is in the context of the Open Learning Network (OLnet) – – a joint project led by the Open University and Carnegie Mellon University, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement aims to maximise the impact of free, high quality learning resources. OLnet is charged with building the capacity of researchers and practitioners in the design, deployment and assessment of OER. Specifically, we aim to build a social and technical infrastructure enabling new forms of networked research and scholarship in OER. This is currently conceived in terms of connecting people, mapping debates in key challenges facing the field, facilitating the exchange and evolution of OER design patterns and tools, and building a multimedia evidence-base of OER effectiveness.

This position is for an emerging research leader, able to coordinate with both the UK/US teams, and OLnet’s global partners in developed and developing countries. Your task is challenging: to conceptualise OLnet as a form of collective intelligence, and to architect a CI infrastructure from a human-centred computing perspective. As detailed below, you wish to develop your research profile by applying your expertise in knowledge-building infrastructure to the demanding requirements of the OER movement. This post will also enable you to develop your skills in project management, leadership, dissemination, bid writing and PhD supervision.

The appointment will be made on the Academic Grade AC3 Salary Scales for Research Staff, ranging from £36,532 – £43,622 pa, depending on qualifications and experience. This post will be managed by Dr. Simon Buckingham Shum, one of the OLnet investigators, and leader of the Hypermedia Discourse team in KMi.

KMi is a highly successful interdisciplinary research centre founded at The Open University in 1995, and located in attractive premises at The Open University’s main campus in Milton Keynes, UK. We offer a stimulating environment, widely acknowledged to be at the leading edge of research and development, particularly in semantic web technologies, multimedia and information systems, knowledge modelling and management, new media for learning and sensemaking. KMi is part of the OU’s Centre for Research in Computing, ranked as one of the top 20 research centres in the UK RAE 2008. The style, impact and content of our work can be seen at

Further Particulars: PDF

Informal queries:

Dr Simon Buckingham Shum
Senior Lecturer in Knowledge Media / SocialLearn Project Director
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
KMi: +44 (0)1908 655723 | SocialLearn: 332594
Mobile: +44 (0)7947 243986 | Skype: sbskmi

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