Compendium Maps UN HIV/AIDS Event

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. KMi's Simon Buckingham Shum has been working with the ILO's HIV/AIDS Education in the Workplace programme as they develop their knowledge management capacity.

With HIV/AIDS decimating workforces in many regions around the world, the ILO HIV/AIDS programme [] is working with governments, employers and employees to change the conditions that spread infection in the world of work. Having seen a KMi presentation in Geneva at the KM4Dev Conference earlier this year (Knowledge Management for International Development), the ILO AIDS programme invited Simon to join them at their Interactive Learning Event in South Africa (11-19 Oct), which brought together an international group of all the National Programme Coordinators from the Anglophone countries where the ILO's programme is running. Simon demonstrated the knowledge management support that KMi's Compendium software tool can provide to capturing and analysing the conference outputs. He also ran a morning of tutorials and groupwork exercises to introduce core knowledge sharing concepts to the team.

Compendium is a hypermedia tool for mapping and managing the connections between ideas, information, discussions and arguments, and provides facilities to link external multimedia resources as required. In an international development context, it has also been used with World Vision International (based here in Milton Keynes), to support a global programme to review and improve their best practices in poverty relief and development. Within the OU, it has been used to support the University's Scenario Planning.

Compendium, whose development for the global user community is coordinated by the Compendium Institute, of which KMi are founding members, is freely available, inc. Java source code, and has clocked up >5000 downloads to date.

Related Links:
ILO HIV/AIDS ProgrammeNews: KMi Supports Humanitarian Relief & Development AgencyNews: Compendium 1.4 released!Compendium Project, KMi

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