Learning Objects: JIME special issue launched for global debate
Reusable Learning Resources on the net is the topic of the latest issue of the award-winning e-Journal of Interactive Media in Education. The huge amounts of global activity currently being invested in 'Learning Objects' envision a world where learning resources and activities can be effectively found on the net and even sequenced in appropriate ways. However, this vision raises tricky technical and educational questions, and is not without its critics.
JIME's Special Issue on Reusing Online Resources (published 28 April 2003) develops a range of critical issues highlighted in a recent book on Reusing Online Resources: www.reusing.info (Littlejohn, Kogan Page, 2003). Invited commentaries from a collection of international, renowned experts have been sourced, each one critiquing a chapter and seeding the debate with key issues for authors and others to engage with.
Together with reprinted sections from the book, this resource is being offered to elicit further contributions from the global community. The issue's editors Allison Littlejohn (University of Strathclyde, UK) and Simon Buckingham Shum (Open University, UK) invite all who are working on reusable resources, learning objects and the educational semantic web to browse the site, and post insights from their own work to the forum to move the debate forward.
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Journal of Interactive Media in Education