D3E goes open source, and OU-D3E service launches
The Digital Document Discourse Environment (D3E) has been released for free download, most components already open source, with others to follow. This 'world release' is accompanied by the launch of the LTS OU-D3E service, to assist the OU community.
What is D3E?
Use D3E to publish web discussion documents. The content (any web media) is linked visually and explicitly to a threaded discussion space. Bibliographic citations, footnotes and section headings are also converted to hyperlinks to assist navigation, especially in large documents. Document and discussions are bound together as a single artifact.
Since discussion documents underpin almost all knowledge-intensive work, D3E has found numerous applications in its 5 year evolution. Some examples are on the site, including journal peer review, distance learning, participatory software design, and strategic planning.
D3E is available in two forms:
Publisher's Toolkit: desktop Java application
+ a Web discussion system: D3E-Phorum or D3E-HyperNews
(customizations of the open source Phorum and HyperNews systems)
A server-side application, with any web browser as client;
enables you to publish any website in the world for discussion
Details, Demos, Documents + Downloads at http://d3e.open.ac.uk
D3E is a collaborative project between The Open University's Knowledge Media Institute / Learning & Teaching Solutions and Center for LifeLong Learning & Design University of Colorado, Boulder, USA