D3E assists US scientific visualization community
The Digital Document Discourse Environment (D3E) is now being used across the US to support meteorological data analysis. D3E provides an important link between Unidata UCAR where developers are building 3D scientific visualization and analysis tools, and the university researchers who use them.
The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) is a consortium of universities with doctoral programs in atmospheric and related sciences. Its mission is to support, enhance and extend the capabilities of the university community and to understand the behavior of the atmosphere and related systems and the global environment.UCAR's MetApps Project is using D3E to create a direct link between programmers and end-users, enabling them to discuss in a structured manner technical documents describing the different tools (see for instance the Image Viewer discussion). Details of UCAR's work (including a link to the D3E discussions) can be found in Sun's recent Java3D news story.
UCAR/D3E Contact: Mike Wright mwright@unidata.ucar.edu