AI for learner flourishing in the age of the polycrisis, on the edge of the metacrisis
Each year the UNESCO Mahatma Ghandi Institute of Education for Peace & Sustainable Development publishes an issue of The Blue Dot magazine, dedicated to “the relationship between education, peace and sustainable development and education for global citizenship”. The theme for the next issue, out soon, is the question of whether AI can help learners flourish. I was […]
Previous Stories
- 2024: Educating for Collective Intelligence
- 2 years since ChatGPT launched: edu reflections + future glimpses
- GenAI synth dialogues: potential learning tool — or disinformation WMD?
- Chatbots to help you ask better questions?
- (Re)framing the GenAI system shock: polycrisis, metacrisis, unicrisis?
- Can TEL save the planet? (JTELSS 2024)
- A design space for AI writing tools (CHI’24)
- Co-designing AI ethics in education
- Assessment reform for the age of AI
- Universitas21 & Learning@Scale keynotes
- Understanding skilled use of open automated feedback tools as teacher feedback literacy
- Conversational GenAI for argument analysis
- The Writing Synth Hypothesis
- Evidence: Fair & Robust AI-based Assessment
- Empowering Learners for the Age of AI: free online conf
- ABC Radio National: AI in education?
- Learning Analytics and AI: Politics, Pedagogy and Practices
- ICLS 2018 Keynote: Transitioning Education’s Knowledge Infrastructure
- Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2017
- Algorithmic Accountability for Learning Analytics
- Reflecting on reflective writing analytics
- Analytics for learning outside the LMS
- Learning Analytics: On Silver Bullets and White Rabbits
- Learning analytics and educational research – what’s new?
- Constructing Knowledge Art: new book
- CIC is hiring: come join us in Sydney
- OpenU Valedictory Lecture
- EdMedia2014 Keynote
- Reinvent University for the Whole Person
- Learning Analytics input to ETAG
- What if we used learning analytics to power NICs?
- e-Literate TV on Learning Analytics
- Assessing learning dispositions/academic mindsets
- Analytics for Epistemic Beliefs?
- 1st MOOC Research Conference
- Designing Systemic Analytics at The Open University
- Learning Analytics: The New Burden of Knowledge
- LAK13 Panel — Educational Data Scientists: A Scarce Breed
- Open University 2016: the global learning mentors
- Introducing Dispositional Learning Analytics