Hypermedia Discourse in the “State of the Future” report
The State of the Future 2008 report is out now from the World Federation of UN Associations Millennium Project, with an updated analysis of the 15 global challenges that its worldwide panel have been analysing for 12 years now.
The Independent summarised it quite helpfully recently. This analysis and evidence-base will undoubtedly be feeding into our ESSENCE experiment.
Of particular interest from our Hypermedia Discourse perspective is Chapter 6: Global Energy Collective Intelligence. Jerry Glenn, the Millennium Project Director, lays out the case for a distributed, collective intelligence network focused on a specific challenge (energy), which includes structured, graphical deliberation tools.
The Chapter 6 appendix (on the CD accompanying the report) provides interface mockups, including this Compendium aerial view by Jeff Conklin.
So, it’s an exciting development to see these ideas that we’ve been working on for so long now gaining traction, and we’re now looking for the resources to develop Phase 2, as proposed in the report.