KMi helps tackle philosophy's greatest challenges…

Praise for ScholOnto and argument visualization resesarch at KMI in helping to tackle computational philosophy challenges

Some of Philosophy's Next Jobs, Almost All of Them Computerised

Robert Horn (Stanford University)


This talk is based on seven assertions. I will assert that philosophy can not proceed effectively in the 21st Century unless it adopts the following methods and tools:
diagrams as one of the central ways of presenting information. (such as described in the forthcoming book `Visualizing Argumentation'.) (or dilemma diagrams such as those first presented in the `Mapping Great Debates: Can Computers Think?' argumentation maps)
argumentation mapping diagrams as a central method of discourse such as those developed at the Argumentation Analysis Project at Stanford University and the software used at the University of Melbourne.
conceptual framework that incorporates some of the characteristics of ''mental models'' (now common in cognitive science)
carefully worked-out ontologies for knowledge management. (such as those being developed at the the Open University's Knowledge Media Institute)
a set of types of metatags for definitions that identify the type of concepts being presented (such as those being developed at Saybrook Graduate School's Research Center)
a lot more careful typology of examples of its concepts (such as a careful description of the types of examples examined in our research which will be presented as part of this talk)
knowledge management software tools (such as those being created by the Open University's Knowledge Media Institute and described in the forthcoming book `Visualizing Argumentation'.)

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Some of Philosophy's Next Jobs, Almost All of Them Computerised

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