EnquiryBlogger: blog-based learning analytics
Just gave this talk on EnquiryBlogger with Rebecca Ferguson and Ruth Deakin Crick at the annual Open U.’s CALRG 2012 conference. View more presentations from Simon Buckingham Shum Further reading: Ferguson, R., Buckingham Shum, S. and Deakin Crick, R. (2011). EnquiryBlogger: using widgets to support awareness and reflection in a PLE Setting. 1st Workshop on Awareness […]
2 PhDs: Learning Analytics & Authentic Inquiry
KMi has several studentships for PhDs starting full time in Oct 2012. Two of them are around my joint work with Rebecca Ferguson at the intersection of learning analytics, deep learning, authentic inquiry and dispositions. You will be competing against many other applicants across all KMi research topics, so show us how good you are! The […]
Introducing Dispositional Learning Analytics
Ruth and I just gave this talk here in Vancouver, introducing the learning analytics community to ELLI as an approach to modelling dispositions and attitudes in a computationally tractable form, and different rationalities for validating learning analytics. This is also the first publication (see below) which details the functionality of the Learning Warehouse platform, and […]
EDUCAUSE Learning Analytics talk
EDUCAUSE just completed two afternoons of online presentations and discussions in their Learning Analytics Online Spring Focus Session. In my talk [Abstract+Resources/AdobeConnect replay] I continued to explore the potential dream/nightmare theme that I’ve been running for the last few months [Ascilite2011; Networked Learning Hotseat 2012], but updated to explore in more detail some of the […]
Learning Analytics: Ascilite 2011 Keynote
Learning Analytics: Dream, Nightmare, or Fairydust? From today’s keynote at Ascilite 2011, here’s the podcast plus the slides. I am grateful to Gary, Renee and everyone else at Ascilite for their understanding and flexibility, since after months of planning this trip, unfortunately I could not be there in person after my father passed away last […]
LearningEmergence.net launches!
Hurrah! Following Howard Green’s superb inaugural seminar for the Systems Centre: Learning and Leadership on Rethinking Learning & Leadership, we officially broke open the bubbly and launched LearningEmergence.net 🙂 This is a new collaborative venture with Ruth Deakin Crick at University of Bristol, in which we’re joining forces to drive forward our mutual interest in […]
Complexity, Computing, Contemplation, Learning?
Beyond conscious rationality All of my work has been around harnessing the digital world to get us to go beyond the surface and think more deeply. Up till now this has been largely focused on rational modes of thinking, inquiry and sensemaking — hence all the stuff on argumentation, dialogue/debate mapping and hypermedia. However, we […]