New PostDoc Fellowship & PhD Scholarships in Learning Analytics

It’s been an exciting 3.5 years here at UTS, and CIC is about to move into a new phase, with some team changes, and new openings.

It’s always a delight to see my team move on to the next level, but of course I’m sorry to lose from the immediate team Simon Knight as he takes up a Lectureship in the new UTS Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation, and Andrew Gibson as he takes up a Lectureship at Queensland University of Technology. Congratulations to both of them on securing these posts, and they both know how grateful I am for their many contributions to our joint work. We will still be collaborating of course. . .

So this opens up a new 4 year post doc position in Writing Analytics which went live today — please get in touch if you want to discuss informally. We also have two 3-year PhD scholarships to continue building probably the world’s fist doctoral training program dedicated to Learning Analytics.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Writing Analytics (4 year post to start ASAP, Salary AUD $100,923 — $115,486 pa: deadline 11.59pm Mon 12th February 2018 (AEDT).

An exciting opportunity has opened up to join CIC, and advance the Academic Writing Analytics R&D program. You bring expertise in text analytics, great interpersonal skills to work with academics, students and partner researchers, a strong research track record, and a commitment to invent and validate 24/7 actionable feedback on writing to all students.

2 PhD Scholarships (3 year positions to start by August 2018, AUD $35,000/pa plus additional work opportunities)

CIC conducts distinctive research into the use of analytics to nurture in learners the creative, critical, sensemaking qualities needed for lifelong learning, employment and citizenship in a complex, data-saturated society. You will join four current doctoral students in this new program, the first in the world dedicated to Learning Analytics, in a university committed to making the most of Data Science.

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  1. […] Source: SBS Blog Link: New PostDoc Fellowship & PhD Scholarships in Learning Analytics […]